Purchase Application:

$10.00 Royalty per Performance

$10.00 Single-Use Copyright Fees

Play Features:

Read the Play
(minus the ending)

Imaginary Something

Read the Play (minus the ending)

A Short Comedy by Greg Freier
1W / 1M
Approximate Playing Time: 10 Minutes

Using voiceovers, master of comedy Greg Freier takes us into the minds of Arthur and his office assistant, Joan as each tries desperately to disguise their respective compulsions and revulsions for one another. Warning: PC deficit. A crash course in avoiding sexual harassment in the workplace would do Arthur a world of good. But, alas, what he thinks reveals more about his character than what he says. $10 Single Use Copyright Fee plus $10 Royalty per Performance for Amateur Theatre. Professional Theatre Royalties Calculated on Application.

$10.00 Royalty per Performance
$10.00 Single-Use Copyright Fees