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Remediating Ripper
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$60.00 Royalty per Performance
$20.00 Single-Use Copyright Fee
Remediating Ripper
Remediating Ripper
by Randy Hugh Wall
A Full-length Dramatic Comedy in Two Acts
3W / 3M
Approximate Playing Time: 110 Minutes
Nine years ago, Jack T. Ripper “accidentally” wrote a best seller for his dissertation in creative writing. He hasn’t written a word since. Ripper has essentially gone into hiding, drinking heavily and teaching at a small community college. Over his objections, he’s been coerced by his department chair into tutoring four developmental English students during the course of a summer semester. His four remedial students turn out to be far more than Ripper expected: an angry blind student, a former exotic dancer, a home-schooled student determined to lose her virginity to Ripper, and a slacker whose dream is to become a railroad engineer. Ripper wants nothing more than to survive the next six weeks and to tutor as little as possible. Although Ripper’s purported goal is to “remediate” the students up to college-level writing, it is Ripper who ultimately finds redemption. Based on composites of Wall’s students during his tenure as a creative writing professor, Wall brings their true life dramas to the stage with exceptional humor in a work requiring minimal set and staging.
$20 Single Use Copyright Fee plus $60 Royalty per Performance for Amateur Theatre. Professional Theatre Royalties Calculated on Application.
$60.00 Royalty per Performance
$20.00 Single-Use Copyright Fee