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Death is a Many Splendored Thing
Purchase Application:
$10.00 Royalty per Performance
$10.00 Single-Use Copyright Fees
Death is a Many Splendored Thing
A Short Comedy by Greg Freier
1W / 2M
Approximate Playing Time: 10 minutes
When Death comes a-knockin’ Sylvia tells him in no uncertain terms she isn’t buying. Despite his attempt to explain to Howard and Sylvia it just doesn’t work that way, the unhappily married couple refuses to cooperate—until Sylvia gets the nod that Death is after Howard. Then maybe things aren’t too bad: leaves the door open, anyway, to continue to partake in an occasional tryst with Mr. Noodleman next door. But it seems that Death got it wrong, and a quick call from the man in charge shifts the attention away from Howard and squarely in her direction.
$10 Single Use Copyright Fee plus $15 Royalty per Performance for Amateur Theatre. Professional Theatre Royalties Calculated on Application.
$10.00 Royalty per Performance
$10.00 Single-Use Copyright Fees