Purchase Application:

$10.00 Royalty per Performance

$10.00 Single-Use Copyright Fees

Play Features:

Read the Play
(minus the ending)
Post-Game Interview - Playscripts, Theatre Scripts, Stage Plays

Post-Game Interview

Read the Play (minus the ending)


by J.C. Svec 1W / 2M

Approximate Playing Time: 10 minutes

The comedic Post-Game Interview brings us the off-and-on camera takes of a self-centered, chauvinistic sports reporter and his bright, ambitious female producer who manages to work herself onto the air when a no-hitter turns into a World Series upset. $10 Single Use Copyright Fee plus $10 Royalty per Performance for Amateur Theatre. Professional Theatre Royalties Calculated on Application.

$10.00 Royalty per Performance
$10.00 Single-Use Copyright Fees