Purchase Application:

$15.00 Royalty per Performance

$10.00 Single-Use Copyright Fees

Play Features:

Read the Play
(minus the ending)

A Bird Is Not A Pet

Read the Play (minus the ending)

A BIRD IS NOT A PET (A Tragic Act of Separation or A Comic Act of Desperation)

by Rebecca Ryland

3W / 1M

Approximate Playing Time: 15 minutes

A Bird is Not a Pet, (A Tragic Act of Separation or A Comic Act of Desperation) takes an absurdly funny look at a confrontation between a woman who wants to separate her trash so that men will have something to die for and the totalitarian bureaucracy of her Condo Association. We’ve all been there is one way or another. A Bird is Not a Pet was first work-shopped under the direction of the legendary Zoe Caldwell and premiered off-Broadway at the Creative Place Theatre in New York. $10 Single Use Copyright Fee plus $15 Royalty per Performance for Amateur Theatre. Professional Theatre Royalties Calculated on Application.

$15.00 Royalty per Performance
$10.00 Single-Use Copyright Fees