Purchase Application:

$60.00 Royalty per Performance

$20.00 Single-Use Copyright Fee

Play Features:

Read the Play
(minus the ending)
The Mitchells - Playscripts, Theatre Scripts, Stage Plays

The Mitchells

Read the Play (minus the ending)

The Mitchells
by G. Bruce Smith
A Humorous Account of Coming Out
4W/ 5M (Less with Doubling)
Approximate Playing Time: 1 Hr. 30 Minutes (Without Intermission)

Sean Mitchell is thrown into a frenzy when he is booked to appear on a primetime special with Diane Sawyer titled “To Be Young, Gifted and Gay.” A visit from his parents to his home in L.A. gives Sean an opportunity to spill the beans before the program airs. With the help of his friend, Pearl, Sean’s attempt to gently lead his Minnesota-Norwegian born parents to a desired conclusion through a game of charades fails miserably. He tries one last time to force out the words “I am gay” when he takes them to the airport, but a misunderstanding with a nun finds him arrested and thrown in jail for disturbing the peace. Through flashbacks to his childhood, a drunken down-and-out cell mate, Billy, helps Sean face his fears and discover the source of his shame. Your audiences will fall head-over-heels in love with Margaret and Ben Mitchell and oh, yah, their over-the-top but sincere Christmas homecoming for their gay son and his friend – his straight friend – from the blown-up condom decorations to their ear torturing rendition of Madonna’s “Holiday”. $20 Single Use Copyright Fee plus $60 Royalty per Performance for Amateur Theatre. Professional Theatre Royalties Calculated on Application.

$60.00 Royalty per Performance
$20.00 Single-Use Copyright Fee