Browse Plays
Tartuffe--And All that Jazz!
Purchase Application:
$60.00 Royalty per Performance
$20.00 Single-Use Copyright Fees
Tartuffe--And All that Jazz!
A New Adaptation of Moliere’s Classic set in the Roaring Twenties
by Gordon C. Bennett and Dana A. Priest
7W/ 7M / 2 M or F
Approximate Playing Time: 2 hours
In this new version of Moliere's classic in rhymed verse like the original, the essential theme and characters are retained: Tartuffe the hypocrite; Elmire the object of Tartuffe's affections; Orgon the dupe; Cleante, Moliere's raisonneur; Dorine the feisty maid; and Mariane and Valere, the quarreling lovers who get married, finally, despite Orgon's objections. In line with the times and context, Bennett and Priest have added fresh values: Young Damis is a percussionist seeking a career with a jazz band; his sister Mariane, rather shy and demure in the original, now becomes a flapper in the Age of Jazz; and Orgon is a vintner troubled by Prohibition which provides Tartuffe an added motive for betraying his host: he not only wants Orgon's home and wife, but his vineyards. It's touch and go again, but the demise of Tartuffe unfolds in a most surprising fashion. All ends well, as in Moliere's original, but the climax and denouement seem far more plausible – and hilarious – in this version. Although the suggestion for a drum set onstage and Damis as a some-time percussionist adds “pizzazz” to the show, it is not required for a successful production.
$20 Single-Use Copyright Fee plus $60 Royalty per Performance for Amateur Theatre. Professional Theatre Royalties Calculated on Application.
$60.00 Royalty per Performance
$20.00 Single-Use Copyright Fees