Purchase Application:

$15.00 Royalty per Performance

$10.00 Single-Use Copyright

Play Features:

Read the Play
(minus the ending)
Off With Y'er Head - Playscripts, Theatre Scripts, Stage Plays

Off With Y'er Head

Read the Play (minus the ending)

A Reality TV Comedy
1M / 1F
Approximate Playing Time: 15 Minutes

Carrie and her husband, John, have just appeared as contestants on the first part of a reality TV show titled “Off with Y’er Head!” where each contestant presents grievances about the other before the Queen’s Court. The Court determines a winner.  The winner receives $10 million and the loser’s head is lopped off by the Queen of Hearts herself?that is, unless the loser can convince the winner to forgo the prize money and commute the sentence.  Carrie has just won her case and John has ten minutes to convince her to save his head. $10 Single Use Copyright Fee plus $15 Royalty per Performance for Amateur Theatre.  Professional Theatre Royalties Calculated on Application.

$15.00 Royalty per Performance
$10.00 Single-Use Copyright