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West Palm Gig
Purchase Application:
$60.00 Royalty per Performance
$20.00 Single-Use Copyright Fees
Play Features:
West Palm Gig
A Full-length Comedy
5W / 7M
Approximate Playing Time: 1 Hour, 40 Minutes
Aging film star, Valeska Bernhart, makes a last stab at a movie role at an open casting before retiring to West Palm Acres. There she meets Glick Glickman, a fast talking, multi-faceted theatre impresario who also retired to West Palm Acres after his last failed attempt to revive the dead Broadway theatre. Jon, an attendant at West Palm Acres and an aspiring actor, is caught up in the “nothingness” of waiting around to see if someone thinks he is good enough to play a role. When the opportunity for a commercial comes his way, he struggles with what he sees as the stupidity of the message and discovers he would rather launch a festival of the arts for seniors; showcasing their arts, their writing, their music and their dramatic talent. Glick seizes the opportunity to seduce Valeska out of retirement and together they discover the joy of bringing life to the other residents and awake a passion between them, proving that neither talent nor love has an expiration date. $20 Single Use Copyright Fee plus $60 Royalty per Performance for Amateur Theatre. Professional Theatre Royalties Calculated on Application.
$60.00 Royalty per Performance
$20.00 Single-Use Copyright Fees