Browse Plays
Shared Assets
Purchase Application:
$60.00 Royalty per Performance
$20.00 Single-Use Copyright Fee
Play Features:
Shared Assets
A Hilarious Comedy in Two Acts
5 W
Approximate Playing Time: 2 hours
One of the funniest plays out there! Five women in a diner, all with ties to the infamous “Martin Industries.” First, Ann, the owner of the diner and former Vice President who got canned for throwing a meat and cheese tray at her cheating husband, Drew, during a company costume ball. Then there’s Natalie, the new Senior Vice President now engaged to Ann’s ex-husband; Susie, the ditsy waitress who wants nothing more than to use her good looks to marry a Martin Industries exec and live off his company credit card; the outspoken Doris, Natalie’s mother and reluctant personal assistant who replaced Helen who was fired for her obsession with unicorns; and of course, Helen herself, who consults her magical friends for everything from love to business. Natalie shows up at the diner for a luncheon meeting with Helen to try to trick her into quitting her new job as a florist to become her personal floral designer for the wedding. Problem is, Natalie is terrified of unicorns and has a few secrets besides. Between over-sized glasses, unicorns, outlandish make-overs and loutish behavior, these five women will have your audiences roaring with laughter.
$20 Single-Use Copyright Fee plus $60 Royalty per Performance for Amateur Theatre. Professional Theatre Royalties Calculated on Application.
$60.00 Royalty per Performance
$20.00 Single-Use Copyright Fee