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SHERLOCK HOLMES and the Case of the Christmas Angels
Purchase Application:
$60.00 Royalty per Performance
$20.00 Single-Use Copyright Fees
Play Features:
SHERLOCK HOLMES and the Case of the Christmas Angels
by Charles Caratti
6F / 9M / 7 M or F + Carolers & Dancers (Double Casting Possible)
Approximate Playing Time: 1 hour, 45 minutes
Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Christmas Angels brings an exciting new case to the world's greatest detective, told with faint echoes of classic holiday tales you already know and love. Holmes is in the worst slump of his career, having not only given up his consulting detective business but even questioning the purpose for his own existence − made all the more painful at Christmas time. Not even his longtime friend and partner, Dr. Watson, seems to be able to shake him out of his funk. A dark, life-or-death enigma soon unfolds perpetrated by none other than Holmes' age-old nemesis Professor James Moriarty himself, and leading Holmes to embark on one of the most perplexing adventures of his career − with a head-scratching who-dunnit sure to satisfy even the most dedicated Holmes fan. Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Christmas Angels is filled with humor and drama and conveys powerful messages about responsibility to family and community, redemption, and the meaning of Christmas that will resonate with every audience member.
$60.00 Royalty per Performance
$20.00 Single-Use Copyright Fees