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Timothy Starnes
Timothy Starnes

Plays Published by Heartland Plays, Inc.:
Gravestone Lickin’ Good
Timothy D. Starnes is originally from the small town of Waxhaw, North Carolina, a place consisting of aging train tracks and a few overpriced antique stores, and now resides in the bustling city of Charlotte, North Carolina in order to pursue his college education, where he studies Political Science and Criminal Justice in order to go on to law school, only to be able to chase that hazy, feverish “American Dream” that preaches that he can have it all if he works hard, and so following this equation, he juggles his studies with his fiery passion for the creative arts. His plays have been featured internationally in Scene 4, a monthly arts and culture e-magazine by the Aviar Center for Preforming Arts, and have seen performances at events including the 24/7 Play Festival at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He is currently writing new works during every moment of his spare time, an oversized martini glass of sweet tea in one hand and typing with the other. His works are best described as “realistic characters in impossible situations.” He draws inspiration from real life; scalping stories from his closest friends, family and even his own life experiences, turning them into pieces of art one stage direction at a time. Having studied endless books on history and having watched more period dramas than would be considered advisable by the Department of Health, this research has allowed him to explore history through different colored lenses in his work. His theatrical series, the “Empire” series, based on post-Civil War America in an alternate universe setting is currently being written, with more plays being added to the series as time goes on. His personal knack for the odd, outrageous and macabre also shines through in his work, spicing scripts with odd occurrences, invasive visitors from outer space, drag queens, the mishaps of suburbia, small town politics, underground societies, hand puppets with PTSD, hauntings and more.
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