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John Twomey
John Twomey

John Twomey’s full-length comedy "All My Raisins in the Son" won both the Theatre Conspiracy 2013 New Play Award, where it also premiered, and the Neil Simon Festival 2013 New Play Award. The most recent production was at First Avenue Playhouse (Atlantic Heights, NJ).
An early version of the play, "Teachers’ Lounge", premiered at the Laguna Playhouse and went on to eight subsequent productions.
Other recent works include one-act comedies "Cake Top Follies", "Biff & Blanche", and "Garlic & Gasoline", which have been presented at BrooklynONE (Brooklyn, NY), Villagers Theatre (Somerset, NJ), Old Library Theatre (Fair Lawn, NJ), FirstStage (Los Angeles, CA), and Thespian Production (New York, NY).
His works have also been presented at American Stage Festival, Barebones Theatre, Beari Productions, Bravo Theatre Productions, Break-a-Leg Productions, Dixie Dramatic Association, Durango Repertory Theater, Garden Grove Playhouse, Long Island City Arts Project, Mystic Vision Players, North Coast Repertory Theatre, Somerset Valley Players, Stormy Weather Players, Theater-Studio/Playtime, and Theatrikos.
John is a member of the Dramatists Guild and has a BFA in Dramatic Writing from New York University.
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