
Dan Borengasser

Dan Borengasser Image

Crisis Line has had two staged readings – First Night in Fayetteville, AR and the Camino Real Playhouse in San Juan Capistrano, CA. It was performed as a radio play by Shoestring Radio Theatre in San Francisco.

In addition to stage plays, Dan Borengasser has written science fiction stories, screenplays and children’s fiction, and was a syndicated humor columnist. He blushes to admit that one of the science fiction stories was nominated for a Hugo and that he’s won numerous awards for stage plays and screenplays.

Borengasser, who enjoys speaking of himself in the third person, lives in Springdale, AR with his wife Sally. Other members of the household include Kitty Hodge, who has an impressive collection of dead moles, and Kitty Cobweb, who can magically teleport her cat fur onto your clothes from a distance of fifteen to twenty feet.

Rounding out the family is Barnes, a gentlemen rat who enjoys strawberry yogurt drops and the music of the Pet Shop Boys, and who thinks that Borengasser is quite the guy. And who’s to say he’s not right?

Borengasser is quite confident that he has other notable accomplishments, but, for the moment, they escape him.

Author's Plays