
Verna Safran

VERNA SAFRAN, of Sarasota, Florida is the author of three successfully produced musical shows for children; The Legend of Paul Bunyan, Hiawatha and The Prince and the Pauper, which was recently optioned by Music Theatre International for distribution worldwide. Ms. Safran’s A Wedding at the Brothers and Sisters Coffeehouse won the 2007 Best Play of the Year award at Players Theatre of Sarasota. In addition, Ms. Safran, who holds an MFA degree in Dramatic Literature from Columbia University and is a member of the Dramatists Guild, has had two one-acts published; Musical Chairs in Mayorga’s Best One-Act Plays of the Year and The Rogue’s Gallery, produced at Southampton Cultural Center and published by Aaron Press. Ms. Safran’s exceptionally funny full-length comedy WHERE DID WE GO WRONG? turns the generation gap on its head when Ethel and Henry, both in their sixties, try to hide the fact that they’re living together out of wedlock when Ethel’s conservative daughter and her husband make a rather unexpected visit. WHERE DID WE GO WRONG? is available exclusively through Heartland Plays, Inc. along with her short play, THE THRONE, which is included in the collection, TEN SHORT PLAYS BY TEN TOP PLAYWRIGHTS.

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