
Dennis Bohr

Dennis Bohr Image

Dennis Bohr is a playwright, actor, producer and director who co-founded Black Sheep Theatre in 1995 with Mary Anne Maier and Georgia Rhoades. Black Sheep, dedicated to producing original political theatre, has produced Bohr’s plays in London, Ireland, and various venues in the United States. Bohr has a long-term relationship with The Playhouse in Derry, Northern Ireland, which premiered his Pope Joan: The Hiss of the Snake (about the only female pope) in 1996. Bohr’s other plays include Old, Out-of-step, Anti-war Peacenik Hippies (a reaction to the US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq); Dark All Day (and All of the Night) (which satirizes the policies of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney); Just Say Oh (a celebration of joy and marriage equality); Burn in Hell (which satirizes religion); and Brown: Jesus from Another Planet (a futuristic look at the politics of the United States). 

Bohr directed Georgia Rhoades’ play, The Cook, at The Playhouse in Derry as part of Derry’s 2013 City of Culture celebration. His work as a playwright has been recognized by grants through the NEH Alternate ROOTS program, the North Carolina Arts Council, the Kentucky Arts Council, and Hubbard Center Foundation Fellow Grants Program and Sustainable Development Arts Grant Program at Appalachian State University. Bohr teaches composition at Appalachian State University in North Carolina where he also works as a consultant for the Writing Across the Curriculum program and the University Writing Center.

Author's Plays