
Bella Poynton

Bella Poynton Image

BELLA POYNTON is an MFA Playwright from the Iowa Playwrights Workshop. She holds a BFA in Acting from the Boston University School of Theater, and has also studied at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts. She is the winner of the Amelia Bassano Lanier Short Play Competition at Manhattan Theater Source in 2009, and was nominated for the Christopher Brian Wolk Playwriting Award in 2010. In 2009 Bella was a core member of the Women’s Work Lab at New Perspectives Theater Company. Her play, Pope Joan was a regional finalist at KCACTF, and then produced at New World Stages as part of the InCite Festival. More recently, her play The Aurora Project was given a production at the 2013 Iowa New Play Festival. This summer, she will be an MFA Mentor at the Young Playwrights' Festival at the Horizon Theatre Company in Atlanta, and will also lead a youth playwriting workshop at the Springville Arts Center in Springville, NY.

Other playwriting highlights include: Unpopular Devotion (New Perspectives Theater), Advanced Program System (American Globe Theater), The Experiment (The Barrow Group), The Annunciation Play and Who is Dan Schiller? (LookingGlass Theatre, NYC) A House Full of Dust (Boston University, Wings Theater Company) Hey, Mary! (Midtown International Theater Festival), and The Stellification (The University of Iowa) Readings include: Fat Actress/Ugly Model and Other Destructive Labels for Women (WriteAct Eastside Rep.) and Switchblade (The Milk Can Theater Co.)

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