Browse Plays
The Best Call
Purchase Application:
$10.00 Royalty per Performance
$10.00 Single-Use Copyright Fees
Play Features:
The Best Call
A Short Comedy
by Pat Pattan
Approximate Playing Time: 10 minutes
Susan's Friday night has been a bust. Being stuck at home making calls for Shirmers credit cards is bad enough, but she hasn’t made a single sale. Determined to get at least one commitment, she dials D.S. Silva, expecting a woman to pick up. Instead she gets Dan, who puts her on hold before she can blurt out the first line of her pitch. A loud bang gets her attention. Dan returns to explain the crash, and why rice is flowing over his stove like lava. Susan's witty remarks help defuse the crisis. He keeps her on the line with engaging tidbits about himself. She chimes in with some of her own, still weakly attempting to inject her sales pitch whenever she can until she finally gets a commitment, but not the one she expected.
$10 Single Use Copyright Fee plus $10 Royalty per Performance for Amateur Theatre. Professional Theatre Royalties Calculated on Application.
$10.00 Royalty per Performance
$10.00 Single-Use Copyright Fees